phone: 509-372-4469 fax: 509-372-4720 jarek dot nieplocha at pnl dot gov |
Jarek Nieplocha is a Laboratory
Fellow and Deputy Director
in the
Computational Sciences and Mathematics Division of the Fundamental and
Computational Science Directorate at Pacific Northwest
Laboratory (PNNL). He is also
the Chief
Scientist for High Performance Computing in Computational Sciences and
Mathematics Division. He leads Advanced Computing Technology Laboratory
at PNNL.
His area of research has been in collective and one-sided communication on modern networks, runtime systems, parallel I/O, scalable programming models, multithreading, and component technology for scientific computing. He has led development of Global Arrays, a portable shared memory programming toolkit widely used in scalable computational chemistry applications and other areas, and the ARMCI runtime system that most recently has been used for implementation of the Co-Array Fortran compiler at RiceUniversity, and GPSHMEM, a portable implementation of SHMEM, the popular one-sided communication library developed by Cray, Inc. He has been working with domain scientists on applying high performance computing to several scientific disciplines including chemistry, biology, and power system analysis. He received four best paper awards at leading conferences in high performance computing: IPDPS’03, Supercomputing’98, IEEE High Performance Distributed Computing HPDC-5, and IEEE Cluster’03 conference, and an R&D-100 award for Molecular Sciences Software Suite (MS3). He is sharing with the IBM LAPI development team a patent on event signaling in computer networks that forms a foundation for the LAPI communication library on the IBM SP supercomputer. He authored and coauthored over 100 peer reviewed papers. As an adjunct faculty in Computer Science, Dr. Nieplocha has taught at Washington State University. Dr. Nieplocha participated in MPI Forum in defining the MPI-2 standard. He is Vice-President of HP-CAST, the Hewlett Packard Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical Computing. He is also a member of editorial board of International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. |
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